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Should you seek happiness or adventure?
August 01, 2023

Happiness vs adventure?

Before we begin: If you enjoy his newsletter, please forward it along. If someone forwarded this to you, click here to sign up

100 Goals Club is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping you plan your life goals in 10 important areas.

1. Personal Development

2. Health and Fitness

3. Family and Friends

4. Hobbies and Passions

5. Financial

6. Career

7. Adventure

8. Travel

9. Lifestyle

10. Leaving a Legacy / Giving Back

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You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in life goals and receiving the Goal Setting Worksheet. Click here to order my accompanying 100 Life Goals Book >

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Travel adventure

My last newsletter was April 1st, 2023, before my wife Kathy and I went on a 23 day travelling adventure to Portugal. My apologies, but this extended trip broke my habit of sending out these newsletters.

It's amazing to me how easy it is to "break the chain" on a good habit with one simple "miss" and getting restarted again. BUT . . . I am back on track now!

This was a trip planned before COVID lockdowns and subsequently rescheduled to 2023.

Our trip to Portugal was an amazing experience, highlighted by:

- 5 nights exploring the beautiful and scenic historic city of Porto, set between century old buildings, a river and plenty of hills

- 2 nights staying in a working Vineyard in the Douro Valley

- 4 days exploring Lisbon and surrounding areas, enjoying walking tours, guided tours and numerous gastronomical restaurants and types of food

- 1 night in Obidos in a medieval Castle with a scary wall (high up without any railings)!

- 7 nights in Albufeira (in the Algarve), a tropical beach paradise, staying in a beach front house just steps away from the beach and central to numerous attractions

- 2 nights at amazing Hotel Baia in Cascais, overlooking the seaside in a magnificent waterfront setting

Our first time to Portugal, it was an experience we will cherish for a long time. Great country, people, food and weather. We now know why so many people are adding Portugal to their travel life goals and bucket lists. Amongst all the places you could travel, Portugal is among the more affordable.

If you are considering traveling to Portugal within the next year, send me an email to and I'll give you a few specific recommendations, including the name of an amazing tour guide in the Lisbon area named Joau!

Quotes on happiness and adventure

"Happiness is not a's a by-product of a life well-lived. The joy of the adventure itself is where the real happiness lies." - Tom Robbins

"I would rather live a life full of risks and adventures, than a life of guaranteed happiness." - Vilayat Inayat Khan

"Adventure is a path to happiness." - Richard Branson

"Adventure is the key to happiness." - Sean Ogle

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." - Amelia Earhart

"The only question in life is whether or not you are going to answer a hearty 'YES!' to your adventure." - Joseph Campbell

"Don't die without embracing the daring adventure your life was meant to be." - Steve Paulina

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller

"Adventure isn’t hanging off a rope on the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day-to-day obstacles in life." - John Amatt

"Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul." - Jamie Lyn Beatty

"Adventure should be 80 percent 'I think this is manageable,' but it’s good to have that last 20 percent where you’re right outside your comfort zone." - Bear Grylls

Should you seek happiness or adventure?

After listening to Jordan Peterson on some of his lectures (on YouTube) and attending one of his live speaking events this year in Toronto Canada with my wife Kathy, I had a revelation.

For years, the 100 Goals Club site had the tag line "Create Your Happy Life". While this has been a good goal to strive for, there are some drawbacks . . . .

1 - Seeking happiness all the time is unachievable and unrealistic.

2 - We need a balance of ALL the emotions in our life to appreciate the happy times and distinguish them from the not so happy times

3 - Having and finding a higher sense of life purpose is ultimately more important than setting happiness as your primary purpose in life. Reference my life goal # 9 on this

4 - For all the reasons cited in the amazing quotes I included In the prior section of this newsletter!

One could equate life to creating and experiencing a series of mini-adventures. With each of the 10 goal categories at 100 Goals Club (i.e. personal development, health and fitness, hobbies and passions, financial, career, travel etc.), you can view each of these categories as a series of adventures to be had throughout your life.

SO "CREATE YOUR HAPPY LIFE" is no longer!!

Check out my site's home page on life goals for further ideas and to check out my new tag line "CREATE YOUR ADVENTURES"

Send me a quick note to to let me know what you think of this change.

Financial Update on Tesla (TSLA)

As many of you know from prior newsletters, my wife and I are big believers in the company Tesla. We believe it is the most transformative company in the world today.

We drive a Tesla Model 3, purchased in June 2019 and absolutely love driving it. Check out goal # 89 on driving your dream car:

We've invested a significant portion of our non real-estate assets into Tesla. We consider Real Estate to be our core holdings/investments so this additional money we can afford to take risk with.

Unfortunately, the volatility of owning Tesla stock requires that you must be prepared for significant swings in stock price. For instance, TSLA stock price in 2022 decreased in value by almost 65% from its all time highs, driven by unprecedented increases in interest rates that hit high growth stocks in the technical sector.

It has since partially recovered in 2023 but is still down almost 35% from all time highs.

Our expectation is that TSLA stock will rebound and achieve gains of between 2X and 10X before 2027-2030 as a result of some of the following factors:

- Introduction of new products (a new car variant which will sell for 1/2 the price of their current Model 3 / Model Y cars) or approx $ 25,000 USD

- Expansion into MegaPack batteries used for large scale industrial and commercial applications (to store solar and wind energy), with the potential to be a larger business for Tesla than their entire automotive sector. It is expanding rapidly!

- Eventual approval for full self driving (FSD) cars and robotaxis, completely changing and disrupting the entire automotive industry. This should occur sometime between 2024 and 2027.

- Humanoid Robots (called Teslabots) using Tesla's own Artificial Intelligence software to accomplish human like tasks (towards the end of this decade or even sooner). The total addressable market (TAM) is more than one humanoid robot for every person on earth representing billions of units. These robots will likely start performing useful work in factories within the next 2 years, with a huge production ramp over the next decade and beyond.

I do not recommend owning Tesla stock unless you are prepared to hold the stock for the long term (10 years minimum). If you do decide to invest, do your own research and do so because you believe in this future. I've learned that seeking and taking investment advice from people on the internet comes with its own risk and I am not a qualified financial advisor.

While I could be wrong, we continue to have strong conviction about the financial outcomes of investing in Tesla the company for the long term. Since your financial goals are so important to being able to achieve your other life goals and because of my high conviction on Tesla the company, I will continue to update you on this in future newsletters.

What book am I reading now?

Inspired by listening to a Jordan Harbinger podcast with featured guest Adam Bornstein, I ordered his book "YOU CAN'T SCREW THIS UP".

While I'm not one to follow diets or am worried about my weight (although I do work hard to maintain a healthy range), Adam made a strong case for why diets don't work and talked about a common sense approach to health and nutrition.

FOREWORD BY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. "What if the healthiest diet included the foods that were enjoyable and respectful of our stressful, overbooked lives? You couldn’t screw it up! Here’s a can’t-miss plan that will build unbreakable habits by incorporating mindset changes, easy restaurant options, and more from “the perfect person to blaze a better path” (Arnold Schwarzenegger). The diet industry is great at making you follow more diets, not making you leave dieting behind. You don't need another restrictive, unrealistic plan; you need tools that help you enjoy what you eat (including takeout!) and be healthier at the same time. Adam Bornstein is a bestselling author, and has consulted health icons including Arnold Schwarzenegger, LeBron James, Cindy Crawford, and Lindsey Vonn. He’s one of the most trusted voices in health because of his ability to get results without gimmicks, supplements, or suffering. In this easy-to-follow book, Bornstein shows how upgrading your health and losing weight for good requires you to turn your back on the typical dieting culture by following successful habits and frameworks not typically seen in nutrition and fitness. It includes Once you learn a better way to build healthy habits, you can leave behind the shame and guilt of most plans and make the healthy lifestyle changes you’ve been chasing."

In a subsequent newsletter, I'll provide more commentary on this book. So far it is a good and compelling read!

Check out my related life goal # 12 for maintaining a healthy body weight . . .

Skydiving in 23 days!

I last went skydiving on my 50th birthday. I enjoyed the experience so much that I decided shortly thereafter that I would skydive on every 10 year milestone birthday. WELL, that day approaches later this month and here we go again.

While I had thoughts of not following through with this, my daughters Karah and Maddie reminded me that I've been talking about doing this repeat Skydive for almost 10 years and why the change of heart now? Last time, Maddie didn't meet the minimum 18 year age to join our group with my other daughter Karah (and Sister Laura) . . . so this time, her and boyfriend are going to join me!! We are booked and deposit made.

This goal is featured as Life Goal # 66 under the category of ADVENTURE GOALS / take Air Adventures. Click below to see more . . . !

I'll let you know how it went in my next newsletter!! (assuming I survive . . . LOL)

Next newsletter . . .

My next newsletter will be on September 1st, 2023 where I will discuss Career Goals and how you should be looking at your career and the impacts of Artificial Intelligence.

Brian Klodt founder of the 100 Goals Club


P.S. Review your annual goals minimum weekly or better yet, almost every day like I do. Time to do a status check on how you are doing with them so far in 2023 and get refocused if necessary.

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