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Using your 2022 Annual Power Goals worksheet tab! December 27, 2021 |
Hey!Your 2022 goalsIf you are new to the 100 Goals Club newsletter, WELCOME. If you aren't, WELCOME BACK! Before we begin: If you enjoy this newsletter, please forward it along. If someone forwarded this to you, click here to sign up 100 Goals Club is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping you plan your life goals in 10 important areas: 1. Personal Development 2. Health and Fitness 3. Family and Friends 4. Hobbies and Passions 5. Financial 6. Career 7. Adventure 8. Travel 9. Lifestyle 10. Leaving a Legacy / Giving Back You are part of an exclusive group of goalsters (someone who understands the importance of life goals)! This email is going out to 1214 email subscribers. You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in life goals. Remove your email by clicking unsubscribe below at any time. Inspirational quote“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” – Steve JobsThe 10 Goal CategoriesThe 10 goal categories are chosen to reflect all key areas of a life well-lived. Completion of goals in each of these categories will ensure that you never forget about important areas in your life. It's okay that certain goal categories (or number of goals) dominate in any particular year, as long as you don't forget about goal categories over say a 2-3 year period.1. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - Success in life begins with your own commitment to personal growth, which is the reason it is first. Investing time into growing as a person and developing yourself, will help your life immensely in all of the other life goal categories.
2. HEALTH AND FITNESS - Without good health, the rest of your goal accomplishments and life suffer. No-one else is going to look after your health, but you. If you've ever been sick of suffer from poor heath, returning to good health is priority number one. Plan this area of your life well by writing out 10 health and fitness goals now.
3. FAMILY AND FRIENDS - There is no point in being successful with your career and lifestyle goals without a strong foundation of family and friends. At the end of your life, it will be very evident that the only things that truly matter are your friends and family. Live your life by putting making them a priority.
4. HOBBIES AND PASSIONS - These are the things you truly love doing. These need to be prominent in your life, otherwise they will fall victim to your career. Your hobbies and passions are what make you unique, and give you immense happiness. There are literally hundreds of different options for you. Find your uniqueness.
5. FINANCIAL - Developing financial goals and understanding how money really works is essential to living your life. It is especially important if you are to fulfill all or the majority of your 100 life goals. There are time proven principles with money that if applied in your life, will help you become financially wealthy, whether you have high income employment or not. Let time be on your side by developing good financial habits now.
6. CAREER - Selecting your career path is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Not only is it essential to your income, it is where you will devote the vast majority of the time in your life. Learn how to set career goals will help you excel and grow.
7. ADVENTURE - Think about your life as an adventure you design yourself. There are so many exciting things to do and experience in your lifetime. Write out 10 specific goals related to adventure that you will accomplish in the next decade, or lifetime. Consider adventures on land, in water and in the air.
8. TRAVEL - Being able to travel and explore the world is one of life's rewards. We live in a time where travel has never been so easy. With some good planning, create your personalized list of 10 travel goals to experience life and the world in a way that is exciting and bold. Experience different cultures, people, architecture, food, nature and entertainment. Create your bucket list of where you will go.
9. LIFESTYLE - One of the great differentiators and rewards in life is that of living a great lifestyle. Lifestyle can mean so many different things to each of us, from the manner in which you live, to the type of house you live in, to the type of experiences you enjoy. Decide what lifestyle is right for you and write out 10 personalized lifestyle goals.
10. LEAVING A LEGACY - Finally, the Giving Back and Leaving a Legacy goal category is about leaving the world a better place and thinking less about yourself and more about the impact you'll make, are making and will leave behind. EACH YEAR, USE MY GOAL SETTING WORKSHEET AND THE "ANNUAL POWER PAGE" TAB FOR RECORDING THIS YEAR'S GOALS IN EACH OF THESE TEN CATEGORIES. Look at your 100 Life Goals as a MASTER LIST of goals you review each year before deciding which of your specific life goals will you will focus us in any given year. The best time to do this is: A - Before the start of each new year B - Before you birthday each year C - Before your next milestone birthday (I create my list of 100 Life Goals before my 30th birthday). Remember to first customize and personalize your own list of 100 Life Goals using my recommended list as a starting point. No two lives are or should be the same!
MY GOALS FOR 2022As promised in my last newsletter, following is an extract from my "DRAFT" goals for 2022. These will be firmed up by the end of this week. We have approximately 25 goals across the 10 Goal Categories. My wife and I took close to 3 hours this afternoon (with help from our daughter Maddie) in coming up with these goals while reviewing the GOALS "ANNUAL POWER PAGE" tab in my Goal Setting Worksheet. THIS ANNUAL POWER PAGE IS EASY TO USE. IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED USING IT, YOU MUST DO SO! Email me if questions at'm providing these goals as an example of how to use my goal setting worksheet and to hold me accountable to working these goals in 2022. I'll provide updates throughout the year. Each of these numbered goals are directly linked to the 100 Life Goals in my book and website. Each number is associated with a specific life goal topic. Reference your goal setting worksheet, 100 GoalsClub website or 100 Life Goals book for details. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS: 1 Read 7 books this year and summarize what I learned for each one. 6 Listen to a podcast daily (5X/week) for the purpose of learning new things 9 Update my life purpose
HEALTH AND FITNESS GOALS: 13 Log 50 bike rides and track at least 1,000Km of total distance. 3X Fitness Blender workouts per week. 14 Do 100 reps with weights 3 days per week minimum. 16 Learn and prepare a specialty meal for my family once a week 19 Research and sign-up for a co-ed recreational team for Kathy and I in 2022/23.
FAMILY, FRIENDS AND SOCIAL GOALS 27 Have a monthly financial meeting with my children to teach financial goals. (7th of each month) 28 New Christmas tradition with family games.
HOBBIES AND PASSIONS 34 Go Skiing. Research ski purchase for Kathy and I. 38 Learn one guitar sing along song per month to get to 10 campfire songs from memory. 39 Create a beautiful outdoor lights display for Christmas
FINANCIAL GOALS 49 Increase our Net Worth by 10% through successful investing
CAREER GOALS 58 Increase exposure of 100 Goals Club
ADVENTURE GOALS 69 Complete one adventure challenge per month.
TRAVEL GOALS 76 Cancun mexico for destination wedding, all inclusive 77 NCL Hawaii / Tahiti 10 day cruise 78 6 nights in both Hawaii and Moorea
LIFESTYLE GOALS 81 Eat at all Lake Erie waterfront restaurants on the Ontario coast. 82 Declutter the entire 2nd floor of our house 86 Experience six (6) new things we've never done before in our local area. 87 Complete our Beach House renovations by July 1st, 2022
GIVING BACK, LEAVING A LEGACY GOALS 93 Come up with a plan for charitable giving. 94 Come up with a plan for volunteering in our local area 96 Update our will before end of March 2022. There is a cost column next to the very right of this spreadsheet for you to enter the estimated cost of achieving goals that have a monetary requirement. Complete this to ensure you understand how much it require. You will need to update the header from "2021 Goals Power Page" to "2022 Goals Power Page". Before finalizing our 2022 goals we will likely reduce closer to 20 goals. I RECOMMEND THAT YOUR NUMBER OF ANNUAL GOALS NUMBER IN THE RANGE OF 10-15 MAXIMUM. Our list is bigger this year as my wife and I both retired recently and we have more time without our full time careers. One or two goals per Goal Category are fine.
![]() Monthly Goal TopicsAs a guide for my newsletters throughout 2022, each month will progress through the 10 Goal Categories throughout the first 10 months of the year:January = Personal Development February = Health and Fitness March = Family and Friends April = Hobbies and Passions May = Financial June = Career July = Adventure August = Travel September = Lifestyle October = Leaving a Legacy November = TBD December = Annual Planning The sequence of these goal categories are listed in the order of importance that I assessed against each category for living a good life. This priority sequence is only my opinion and you may decide that certain goal categories are more important than others. Each month will focus on the 10 goals recommended for each goal category and why they are important. December 31st is comingYOU ARE APPROACHING THE END OF 2021 AND THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO BE PLANNING AND WRITING OUT YOUR GOALS FOR 2022.How is the writing down of your life goals coming? Are you on track to write down your goals? Written down 5, 10, 20 or more? If you haven't started yet, what is holding you back? Don't confuse these life goals with New Years resolutions. Although they may seem related, they are different. Contact me at and let me know how you are doing or if you have questions on how to use my goal setting worksheet or if you would like to confirm you have the latest version. Next newsletter . . .My next newsletter will be on January 15th where I will focus on all things Personal Development.
Brian Klodt founder of the 100 Goals Club CREATE YOUR HAPPY LIFE!
P.S. By writing down your life goals, you have a good chance of achieving them in 2022. Once written, review your goals daily and minimum weekly. Not writing down your goals (and only verbalizing them), is certain to reduce their likelihood for achievement.
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