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Time to plan 2024
December 02, 2023

Time to plan your 2024!

Before we begin: If you enjoy his newsletter, please forward it along. If someone forwarded this to you, click here to sign up

100 Goals Club is a complimentary newsletter that specializes in helping you plan your life goals in 10 important areas.

1. Personal Development

2. Health and Fitness

3. Family and Friends

4. Hobbies and Passions

5. Financial

6. Career

7. Adventure

8. Travel

9. Lifestyle

10. Leaving a Legacy / Giving Back

You are part of an exclusive group of goalsters (someone who understands the importance of life goals)! This email is going out to 1,818 email subscribers.

You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in life goals and receiving the Goal Setting Worksheet. Click here to order my accompanying 100 Life Goals Book >

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This newsletter focuses on your life goals for 2024.

Just back!

Kathy and I just returned a few days ago from a 3 week TransAtlantic adventure.

- 3 Nights in AMSTERDAM (a bucket list place from our "travel stamp"). We loved this "canal city" built on an amazing and intricate canal system and the first city we've experienced built around the bicycle being the prominent form of transportation. So many regular folks using the bicycle to go everywhere . . . a great way to stay fit!

- 15 Days at Sea on the SKY PRINCESS - We traveled from South Hampton UK, 9 days across the Atlantic to the Caribbean (Antigua, St. Maarten, Puerto Rico and Turks and Caicos) before ending the cruise in Ft. Lauderdale. If you haven't cruised before, add it to your goal list! The food and beverages served on these cruise ships is plentiful and diverse (but also a challenge to not over eat). To counteract this, we decided to not use the ship elevators (stairs only) and I worked out in the gym every day.

- 3 Nights in MIAMI Florida - We really enjoyed ending our vacation in this beautiful city, exploring the South Beach "Art Deco" neighbourhood, ending with a boat cruise touring along side all the million dollar island estates of the rich and famous.

Not everything went smoothly though. We had two cancelled flights that we had some challenges rescheduling and more rain than we would have liked (in Amsterdam), however these were minor issues in the context of an amazing trip!

Think about the places on your bucket list to build into your long term goals. Travelling gives you a new perspective on life. I also used spare time on the cruise while at Sea to start planning our 2024 goals.

Quotes on goal planning

These quotes emphasize the importance of setting clear goals, planning, and preparation as fundamental steps toward achieving success in the new year.

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin

"A goal properly set is halfway reached." - Zig Ziglar

"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi

"You can't hit a target you can't see." - Zig Ziglar

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach." - Benjamin Mays

Preparation for "How to Set Life Goals"

The following are 6 key preparation steps in preparing for how to set life goals:

1. Reflect on the areas of your life that are most important to you. Beyond materialistic things (luxury homes, cars, travel etc.), what are the things in life that mean the most to you.

2. Ask yourself what is it that you are good at or would like to be good at based on your life so far?

3. Ask yourself if there are other areas that your friends and family or colleagues would consider you good at, as potential areas to set life goals around.

4. Consider your core values (Life Goal # 2), starting with core values you already understand about yourself or by taking time to work on them. Why? So that you focus your life goals on values that are core to who you are or want to be. The natural tendency in goal setting is to focus too much on material goals, travel goals and "bucket list" type goals. There is nothing wrong with these type of goals, but they shouldn't be the main focus.

5. Consider your life purpose (Life Goal # 10), so the you will set life goals that are aligned with what you want your life to be about. A great motto about this is "the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose". In other words, you can feel fulfilled in life by just deciding in advance what your life goals are, and work to fulfil them one at a time! There is no right or wrong answer and everyones purpose (or life goals) can and should be different.

6. Review the recommended goals at the 100 Goals Club and highlight the ones that speak to you. Reference the "10 Life Goal Categories" and the "Design your life by writing 100 Life Goals" below to get you thinking.

Goal Setting Worksheet

The Goal Setting Worksheet you received when signing up for the 100 Goals Club is a ready made life goals list designed to save you hours of work.

Hundreds of well thought out goals that are perfect for claiming as your own and writing out your life goals list.

Personal development goals - The person you need to become to achieve your life goals is key to your success. Most goal setting systems ignore that you need to work on yourself first. The goals you set here will ensure you are on track to achieve the rest of your life goals.

Health and fitness goals - Without good health, you will struggle through life. Why not decide to become one of the healthiest people you know? You will benefit, Your family will benefit. Your employer will benefit. Everyone benefits when you are health and have a surplus of every and vitality. An added benefit . . . more time to achieve your life goals list as you'll live longer!

Friends and family goals - Life can be very lonely without family and friends. Relationship goals are crucial to a good life. Decide now that you will invest time into nurturing the very important people (VIPs) in your life. Especially your partner. Don't take your partner for granted like so many people do.

Hobbies and passion goals - Hobbies are your spice of life. Without hobbies, you'll live a pretty boring life. Try lots of different activities, sports, clubs and more until you find the things that you like to do. Once you find things that you like and hopefully love, invest the time into getting good at them and keep them going, even as you your family and manage your career. The last thing you want to do is get to retirement and go into a state of depression or die early because you have no passions in life.

Financial goals - Money is important. In fact it's very important. So much of living a good life requires that you have money to live, grow, explore, travel. And that comes after you take care of housing and feeding your family. While its not healthy to obsess over money, deciding that you will learn how to grow your finances and manage your money wisely is mandatory.

Career goals - You will spend a good majority of your life working. Whether you work for an employer or you are your own boss, how you manage your career will determine so much about your life and how you feel about it. Decide now that you will be an active participant in growing your career and not leave it to chance.

Travel goals - We are living in the 21st century where we can literally travel the world and see places that were inaccessible just 100 years ago. Traveling in our own country and exploring other countries and learning other cultures is entirely possible in your lifetime. Decide now where you want to go and write out your life goals list to make it happen.

Adventure goals - Why live a boring life when you can plan a life of adventure? Whether that means air adventures, water adventures, under-water adventures or hundreds of adventures that await you, decide now that you won't lead a boring life. What is it that you could do to give your life the sense of adventure you deserve? Start writing them down on your life goals list!

Lifestyle goals - With all of the advertising and TV, we are constantly bombarded with lifestyle temptations. Nice houses, stylish clothes, fast cars. Its all possible for us if we plan well. But do this too early and you'll never build the kind of financial legacy that is possible. Most people spend way too much money on material possessions and sacrifice their financial future. Plan for the lifestyle of your dreams . . . but be patient and don't expect it to happen quickly.

Giving back and legacy goals - As you write your life goals list, leave room for goals that allow you to give back to others and society. Leave a legacy for you and your family. Leave an inheritance for your children and your favourite charity. Donate your time to help others in need.

Use these above goal setting worksheets to get inspired on possible goals for yourself. Setting annual goals is simple using this sheet.

If for some reason you didn't get (or can't find) the Goal Setting Worksheet, email me and I'll resend it to you.

While you work hard to complete your 2023 goals, make sure you dedicate time to plan 2024 goals so that on January 1st, 2024 . . . you start the year focused and running!

You'll feel a sense of renewed energy as the beginning of the next year approaches about new possibilities and goals.

Empty Nesters

Yesterday, we helped our youngest daughter Maddie move into her first place (Condo). We are now "empty nesters" after almost 30 years of raising our two daughters, Karah and Maddie. If I'm being honest, I'm feeling a bit sad, although we are excited for her (and her boy friend Spencer). It is a time of reflection for sure as we end this chapter of our life and they begin theirs.

Next newsletter . . .

In my upcoming newsletter scheduled for January 1st, I'll summarize a great book I'm reading by Jay Shetty titled "Think Like A Monk". He has so many inspirational ideas on how to live your life, focused on the Personal Development which is so important as you begin 2024!

Brian Klodt founder of the 100 Goals Club


P.S. Purchase my 100 Life Goals book, for yourself or as a gift for someone special as a Christmas present. It could be just the thing needed in someones life to inspire an important life goal.

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