Brian Klodt's 100 life goals 

Brian Klodt - Author, Real Estate Investor, Black Belt, Bid and Proposal Manager (retired), Founder of the 100 Goals Club.

My track record on accomplishing these 100 Life Goals 

Some of my key accomplishments in the last 30 years are a direct result of haven written out my life goals at the age of 30:

  • Developing our millionaire wealth goal . . . through real estate investing
  • Travelling across Canada with my family . . . playing Canadapoly
  • Skydiving on my 50th and 60th birthdays . . . 70 here I come!
  • Travelling the world to more than 20 countries
  • Purchasing my dream car . . . a Tesla Model 3 - check out my QUORA post on why
  • Writing my book "100 Life Goals", the inspiration for this site
  • Successful stock market investor
  • and more.    Read below for my complete list of 100 life goals.

Of the 100 life goals published on this site, I have achieved approximately 80% of the target goals, and a few of the outrageous goals.  

The 100 Life Goals at 100 Goals Club and recommended in the 100 Life Goals book are summarized in the image below.  My personal achievement against each of these goals follows.  

Personal Development Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on personal development  . . . 

1 – Read (Study) Self-Help (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
I have a library of well over 100 books, which I’ve read (and re-read) over the last 30 plus years, including audio courses by some of the greatest leaders in the self-help industry.  

2 – Define Your Core Values (2002 – updated in 2017) - COMPLETE
Reference Goal #2 for the core values I established in 2017 to live out the balance of my life: Integrity, Optimism, Courage, Encouragement, Knowledge

3 – Attend Self-Help and Success Workshops (1993 to present) - COMPLETE
Over the years, I’ve attended Improve Your Life seminars; a Master Key seminar; Real Estate Wealth Expo, with guest speaker, Tony Robbins; self-help seminars, with guest speakers, including Jim Rohn, Robin Sharma, and Brian Tracy. We attended the Archangel Summit in Toronto in October 2019 and the Jordan Peterson talk at Meridian Hall in 2023.

4 – Develop a Power Hour (1993 to present) - COMPLETE
My current power hour consists of stretching, journal writing, fitness,  goal review and daily task list setting, five days a week.

5 – Find Your Mentors (1988 to present) - COMPLETE
My mentors include my Karate Sensei (1986-1994), Jim Rohn (1990 to 1999), Robin Sharma (2000 to present), Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge (2015 to present), Tom and Nick Karadza (2013 to present), Raymond Aaron (2017 to 2019), Jordan Peterson (2019 - 2023) and Elon Musk (2019 to present). 

6 – Learn Continuously (work in progress) - ONGOING

7 – Develop your Positive Attitude (1988 to present, work in progress) - COMPLETE
 I started listening to motivational speakers, and reading self-help books, when I was in my twenties.  I continue to develop and improve my attitude.

8 – Develop Communication Skills (2001–2002) - COMPLETE
I achieved the level of Competent Toast Master (CTM) after having completed a series of 10 speeches, each focused on a different aspect of speaking (speech organization, body movement, vocal dynamics, etc.). My largest speaking audience, to date, was approximately 700 people. 

I have a Future Goal to develop an ability to tell captivating jokes/stories (one of my original 100 Goals set at age 30).

9 – Write Your Life’s Mission (2017) - COMPLETE
See this goal section for details.  My most important mission is family, followed by living and teaching a goal-inspired life

10 – FUTURE GOAL – to discover my spirituality (To Be Determined (TBD))

Health and Fitness Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on health and fitness . . . 

11 – Eat Healthy (1970s to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
Healthy eating has been a continuous focus throughout my life; thanks to my father, Morley Klodt, who was very health conscious throughout my entire up-bringing.

12 – Maintain Your Ideal Body Weight – Complete (+/- 15 lbs since 1991).  - COMPLETE

13 – Be Aerobically Fit (2016) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
I have been working on my aerobic fitness level since 1988. I began working on cardio and HIIT 5X/week, since January 2016.  I currently walk 3-4Km 5 days a week, cycle 20 Km week and complete Fitness Blender cardio and muscular workouts 4X week (YouTube channel).

14 – Be Strong (2016) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
On and off, since 1990, I have been lifting weights, including through gym memberships and at home. I began weekly weight workouts at home in 2016.  I can do 50+ consecutive push-ups at the age of 60 (My outrageous goal is 100.).  

15 – Develop a Calm Mind (1990 to present) - COMPLETE
I learned Tai Chi and meditation during my Karate days.  I continue to meditate some mornings at the end of my power hour.  

16 – FUTURE GOAL – to learn how to cook healthy meals - COMPLETE / ONGOING
My wife, Kathy, does all our cooking and food preparation, and it was at the recommendation of my family that I, too, learn how to cook healthy meals as part of my goal setting.  While I'm still learning, I've made significant improvements in 2022/23 due to helping Kathy prepare and cook our "Good Food" meals, sometimes on my own!

17 – Learn Self Defence (1986–1993) - COMPLETE
I earned my first and second degree Black Belt in Goju Ru Karate, training for approximately  7 years, during my twenties. 

18 – Complete an Endurance or Obstacle Course Event (2014) - COMPLETE
I completed a Tough Mudder obstacle course, a gruelling (and muddy) event!

19 – FUTURE GOAL – to play hockey or another team sport
I have supported our children in performance level sport (Karah: nationally ranked rhythmic gymnast on Canadian national team (2010/11); Maddie: equestrian rider, ranked at the provincial and university levels).  My wife Kathy and I look to start a Pickleball league sometime later this year. 

20 – Develop a Long-Life Mindset (1963–?) - STILL LIVING!
I have a goal to live healthy to the age of 100, and the mind set and expectation to go along with it.  So far, so good . . . only time will tell.

Friend and Family Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals with friends and family . . . 

21 – Choose Good Friends - COMPLETE

I have great, long-term friendships that will continue throughout my lifetime. 

22 – Find Your Life Partner (1991) - COMPLETE
I’m happily married to Kathy Klodt, for 33 years and counting . . .

23 – Treat Your Spouse as a VIP –  Work in progress (ask Kathy)

24 – Family and Weekly Date Nights (2002 to present) - COMPLETE
Every Tuesday is family or date night, and has been for close to two decades.

25 – Learn How to Be a Good Parent (1994 to present) - COMPLETE
Our children are now well established young adults, pursuing professional careers with a good foundation for life.  We’re still seeking to be better parents, as this is a continuous goal. 

26 – Be There for Your Children (1994/1998 to present) - COMPLETE
As parents, we were both active in all of their life events, including bedtime reading, school events, parent-teacher meetings, and years of taking them to their rhythmic gymnastics (Karah) and equestrian (Maddie) practices and competitions. 

27 – Have regular family meetings (2004–)  - COMPLETE
We began family meetings formally and transitioned to weekly dinner nights.  We had many family meetings to review the contents of this book before publishing.  We involve our children in some of our life goal setting practices. 

28 – Annual Family Traditions (ongoing with both sides of our family) - ONGOING
We have two very special families with whom we celebrate all birthdays, holidays, and special events together. 

29 – Be a Good Friend (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
My wife and I have been friends with the couple who introduced us, for more than 35 years, as well as having great friendships with many others.  We have three couples who we travel with regularly.  

30 – Be a Good Son, Daughter, Sibling (to present, work in progress) - COMPLETE
I have strived to be a good son to my parents, Morley and Gunnell, who have supported me and my family throughout my life, and a good brother to my sister, Laura.  Sadly, my father Morley passed away in 2013 at age 82.  

My family with our annual Christmas tree tradition.

Hobbies and Passion Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on hobbies and passion . . . 

Some of my hobby goals that I’ve completed to date are:

31 – Started and performed with a 7-piece rhythm & blues band that was called Groove Doctors (1997–1999) - COMPLETE

32 – Purchased a drum set and performed in a band as a drummer (2017) - COMPLETE

33 – Restored our Gables on the Park properties (1992 to present) - COMPLETE (ongoing)

34 – Developed a love for skiing with my daughter, Madison (2003 – present) - ONGOING - I only ski on average once per year, but absolutely love doing it.  

35 – Attended 10 concerts with my favourite bands (2003 – present) - ONGOING

One of the reasons for writing this book is to hold myself more accountable for achieving future 100 life goals.  Here are my next 5 future Hobby & Passion goals that excite me:

36 – FUTURE GOAL – Start or join an amazingly talented band and perform at high profile charity events. (TBD)

37 – FUTURE GOAL – Bike around Lake Ontario (1017 Km) with my daughter, Karah, on a 10-day trip.  This is a decade goal I set with Karah in 2003, when I turned 40, yet to be completed. (TBD)

38 – FUTURE GOAL – Learn and perform 10 guitar singalong campfire songs from memory, and do this whenever there is an opportunity (cottage parties, Christmas parties, other gatherings). (TBD)

39 – FUTURE GOAL – Do an amazing Christmas lights display (to music) on our 4 Gables on the Park heritage homes. (Partially Complete)

40 – FUTURE GOAL – Interview 10 successful people about their goals and keys to success. (TBD)
Outrageous Goal – Interview 37 successful people (37 is my favourite number, based on the 37 Decade Goals I wrote for myself when I turned 40).  

Playing music is my favourite hobby and passion. I'm the guy with the bass guitar, photographed with my band mates Dorian Wild.

Financial Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on finance and wealth building . . . 

41 – Learn Personal Finances (1988 to present) - COMPLETE
I have been reading about and applying personal finance principles for more than 30 years.

42 – Learn a Tool to Manage Money (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
I have been using excel to track our finances, and for financial applications at my work, for more than 30 years.  I enjoy updating this spreadsheet multiple times per month. 

43 – Develop a Budget and Track Our Cash Flow (2007 to present) - COMPLETE
I began formally tracking our cash flow in 2007, using Microsoft Excel.

44 – Develop a Good Credit Rating (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
We have borrowed significant amounts of bank money to support our real estate investing over the last 25 years (Banks won’t loan without good credit.).

45 – Track and Develop Your Net Worth (2014) - COMPLETE
Our net worth has grown at an average rate of 20% per annum for > 20 years.

46 – Invest 10% of Your Income (since 1995) - COMPLETE
We have developed a significant portfolio in stocks and mutual funds, investing 10% of our income for the past 20+ years.

47 – Find your financial mentor / advisor (1997– ) - COMPLETE
We had been using a financial adviser since 1997 and in 2019 decided to manage our own finances learning from some professional you tubers on investing in stocks and index funds.   

48 – Own Investment Real Estate (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
We own an entire street of 4 heritage properties, known as Gables on the Park.  We will sell them off one at a time to fuel our retirement.  

49 – Increase Your Income (1991 to present) - COMPLETE
I have made excellent income growth, in both my career and with our rental real estate income, over the past 15+ years, with income in the top 5% of Canadians.

50 – Plan Your Retirement (2017–)  - COMPLETE
I created a detailed financial plan for our retirement (excel based) in the fall of 2017, with 3 different scenarios.  A plan was also created for us through a highly qualified retirement planner from our Canadian bank.  We are currently enjoying our retirement (retired in March/April 2021) and are enjoying having the time and money to enjoy our retirement years, while still young. 

Career Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on career development  . . . 

51 – Do an Honest Self-Assessment (early 2000s) - COMPLETE
My employer had me do several self-assessments as part of leadership development, most recently in 2019.

52 – Get Educated (1987–) - COMPLETE
I am a college graduate, from DeVry Institute of Technology (Toronto), as an Electronics Technologist.

53 – Find or Develop Your Passion (2018) - COMPLETE
I have been searching for years.  In 2018, I finally read the book, Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You, by Cal Newport, which put finding my passion into perspective. My other passion is life goals, which is the focus of the 100 Goals Club. 

54 – Join a Professional Organization (2014–2015) - COMPLETE
I was a member of the Association for Proposal Management Professionals (APMP), and encouraged my staff to join and support this organization.

55 – Be a Good Employee (1991 – 2021) - COMPLETE
I had many years with good performance review ratings in the Exceeds Requirements category and was promoted to Sr. Manager during my last years of employment with L3 Harris. 

56 – Be a Good Leader (2017 – 2021) - COMPLETE / ONGOING
I was responsible for leading a team of 15 Bid and Proposal staff, through a successful transition year, when two smaller teams merged into one team, issuing bids worth over 2 billion dollars annually. I lead daily stand-up meetings and monthly team meetings with engaged employees.  As a retiree, I'm seeking opportunities to be a leader in other areas of life.  

57 – Be an Expert in Something (2001 to present) - COMPLETE
I was recruited by Federated Press, in 2001, to teach a class on “How to Write a Winning Proposal.”  I presented to 700+ real estate investors about furnished short term rentals, in 2018.  

58 – Become an Authority (2018–2019) - COMPLETE (Ongoing)
I authored a book—Buy Your Neighbour’s House, a wealth building strategy for buying real estate on your own street—as well as the writing of this book, 100 Life Goals.

59 – Be Your Own Boss (1989 to present) - DEVELOPING 
I have been a real estate investor and property manager since 1989. The 100 Goals Club was launched in support of the book 100 Life Goals, written and published in 2018.  My goal is to develop this into a much larger project. 

60 – Create Multiple Sources of Income (1989 to present) - COMPLETE
My sources of income have included employment income as a Bid and Proposal Manager, tenant rental income as a real estate investor, stock investor and band income as a bass playing musician.

Adventure Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on life adventure . . . 

61 – Take a Family Driving Adventure (2006–2007) - COMPLETE
We drove across Canada, to Victoria, British Colombia (2006), and to Newfoundland (2007), in a minivan with our family and my wife’s parents, visiting the locations on the game board, Canada-Opoly.

62 – Family Vacation to Disney World (2004) - COMPLETE
We celebrated my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to Disney World, with my parents, sister, and both our families.

63 – Animal Adventures (2002– ) - COMPLETE
I have been to several zoos over the past 20 years, and the African Lion Safari (Canada).  We are planning to take a safari trip to Africa someday.

64 – Go on a Camping Trip(s) (1989–1990) - COMPLETE
I camped at Algonquin Park during a guys’ portaging trip, and a guys and gals portaging trip.  It was deep into the woods and only accessible by canoe.  

65 – Take a Land Adventure (1999–2006) - COMPLETE
We completed 43 of 44 country hiking trails, taking family hikes over a 6-year period, between 1999 and 2005.   We were inspired by a book, entitled 44 Country Trails, written by Katherine Jacob, and published in 1998.

66 – Take an Air Adventure (2004/2013/2018) - COMPLETE
I went hot air ballooning in Santa Rosa, California, with my wife, Kathy.
On my 50th and 60th birthdays, I went skydiving with my daughters, sister, and some of my family, at Burnaby Skydive. We also went powered hang gliding in Maui, for 45 minutes into the clouds.  

67 – Take a Water Adventure (early 2000s) - COMPLETE
My biggest water adventure was sail boating across Lake Ontario, in the middle of the night, from Youngstown, NY, to Toronto.  We are currently planning the purchase of a Ranger Tug Boat to enjoy in our retirement years. 

68 – Take an Underwater Adventure (2017) - COMPLETE
My wife and I went on an underwater scooter adventure in Bora Bora, in a 2-seater aqua bike.    

69 – FUTURE GOAL – to create my own adventure
My family and I will create our own amazing adventure. 

70 – FUTURE GOAL – to climb a mountain (TBD)
I’ve been inspired by the initial cover design for this book, to climb a mountain.

One of my boldest adventures to date has been tandem sky diving on my 50th and 60th birthdays!

Travel Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on travel . . . 

71 – Be a Local Tourist (1990s to present) - COMPLETE
We make a point of attending local tourist attractions, such as local festivals, museums, science centers, and parks. We've also recently taken "Guess Where" trips, mystery trips to explore local destinations using a pre-planned itinerary prepared by local event planners.

72 – Travel your own country (1991 to present) - COMPLETE
We have made several trips within our country, in addition to the across Canada adventure, including multiple trips to New Brunswick and Montreal.  We toured in Newfoundland when I was 17, performing in a band, for four weeks.  We visited the Yukon Territory within an Alaskan cruise in 2024.   

73 – Attend a Major Sporting Event (2012) - COMPLETE
We took a family trip to the London summer Olympics, attending sporting events for rhythmic gymnastics, equestrian, and athletics.   My daughter, Karah, helped qualify the Canadian National Rhythmic Gymnastics team for this event two years prior. 

74 – FUTURE GOAL – to attend a major cultural event (TBD)

75 – Visit One of the 7 Wonders - COMPLETE
I have visited the Golden Gate Bridge (CA), and the CN Tower (Toronto), multiple times, as well as the Roman Colosseum, in Italy (2016).

76 – Enjoy an All-Inclusive Vacation (1987–2016) - COMPLETE
We’ve taken week-long vacations to resorts in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Cuba (proposed to Kathy and got engaged in 1990), and Costa Rica.  My family also went to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico in 2022 for our oldest daughter's destination wedding.  

77 – Take a Cruise Ship Vacation (2013 to present) - COMPLETE
We’ve taken cruises to the Caribbean (2013), Bermuda (2015), Mediterranean (2016), and French Polynesia (2017). We took a 29 day Hawaiian/Tahiti cruse (2022) with close friends and a TransAtlantic cruise (2023) from Southampton to Miami.    Most recently, we took an Alaskan cruise on the Celebrity Summit in 2024 with 3 other couples.  

78 – Go On an Island Vacation (2000 to present) - COMPLETE
We have taken several island vacations, including to the Caribbean and to our absolute favourite island destination of Maui (7X).  We also spent 6 nights on the island of Kauai Hawaii and 6 nights on the island of Moorea in the French Polynesia. 

79 – Experience an Entertainment City (1995 to present) - COMPLETE
We have enjoyed entertainment travelling to Chicago, LA, New York City, Las Vegas, Orlando, San Francisco, Nashville and Memphis. 

80 – Travel the World (2003 to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
Alaska, Aruba, Bermuda, Bora Bora, Cuba, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Greece, Hawaii, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Portugal, Tahiti, Thailand, Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA.  

Kathy and I love to travel. Pictured here is on our cruise to the French Polynesia, celebrating our 25th Wedding anniversary.

Lifestyle Goals10 of my 100 life goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on lifestyle . . . 

81 – Eat at Good Restaurants (2005 to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
We’ve eaten at some of the best restaurants while on vacation, and while on date night, locally.   We often seek out restaurants that have been featured on the TV show, You’ve got to eat here!  Our greatest restaurant meal was at Mama’s Fish House, on Maui, in 2017.  

82 – Declutter your life (2017) - ONGOING - NEED TO DO SOME MORE!
We are just starting to enjoy the benefits of a decluttered house and life as a result of 3 things: our children growing up, building our dream house, and hiring a cleaner monthly. We are continually thinking about how to purge things out of our life that are of limited use. 

83 – Take Weekend Getaways (1991 to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
Our favorite weekend getaway place is in Canada’s prettiest town, Niagara On the Lake, for which we make annual getaways, usually around Christmas, our anniversary, or for birthdays.   Also, we enjoy going to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Prince Edward County. 

84 – Buy Quality Stuff (1991 to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
I don’t know exactly when we started, but it is important to us that we buy quality products at a reasonable price.    

85 – Buy your First House (1991) - COMPLETE
Our first primary residence, a heritage century home, was purchased in 1991.

86 – Have a Wide Range of Experiences (work in progress) - ONGOING

87 – Own or Have Access to a Vacation Property (2007) - COMPLETE
We purchased our lakefront cottage on Lake Erie. We spend weekends at the cottage throughout the summer. 
FUTURE OUTRAGEOUS GOAL – Tear down our existing cottage, and build our dream cottage (TBD)

88 – Pay others to Do Chores (2014 to present) - ONGOING
There was a time, when we were starting out, where we’d do as much chore work as possible, including home renovations and maintenance.  Now, more often than not, we pay professionals to do this work—like plumbers, carpenters, and cleaners.

89 –  Drive my dream car - COMPLETE
When I was in my twenties, I had a dream to own a Mercedes 500SL two-door sports car.  I spent the last 4 years researching how I would replace my 13 year old Honda Odyssey minivan and vacillated between many different choices of luxury vehicle from Porsche to BMW.  Just recently (June 2019), I purchased a black Tesla Model 3 full electric vehicle sports car.  This car has far surpassed by expectations in every way and is truly a dream vehicle for me.   We are now discussing purchasing a Tesla Roadster within the next 5 years. 

90 – Live in Your Dream House (2014) - COMPLETE
We hired an amazing architect, contractor, and interior designer to custom design every aspect of our dream house, completing what was a 5-year project from initial design. We are thrilled to be living in our dream home, converting an 1886 heritage home into a spacious, updated space, while retaining its historic character and charm.

FUTURE GOAL – Tear down our garage, and rebuild with a soundproof, man cave music room

Giving back and Legacy Goals

The following are 10 of my 100 Life Goals on giving back and leaving a legacy . . . 

91 – Keep a Journal (2016 to present) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
I’ve been keeping journals and day timers, on and off, since 1991. 

92 – FUTURE GOAL – make a difference in the world
It is my hope that the writing of the 100 Life Goals book and the launching of the 100 Goals Club will lead to opportunities to help do something good in this world, as well as help people achieve their best life through living a goal-inspired life.

93 – Donate to Charities (2005 to present) - ONGOING
We have been donating to various charity groups for many years.  The largest recipient of our donations, done through our work place, is the United Way campaign, which benefits local community groups in need of money. We’ve accomplished one of my original 100 goals: to give over $10,000 to charity  (more to follow).

94 – FUTURE GOAL – to volunteer in my community (TBD)
In the writing of this book, I’ve been researching options for volunteer opportunities in my own community.  I have done some volunteering as part of our community’s Sound of Music festival in recent years.

95 – FUTURE GOAL – trace your ancestry (1/2 way done)
I’ve been archiving various historical evidence and documents related to my heritage.  In 2022 I met a distant cousin who has helped me piece together the ancestry on my mothers side of the family with significant roots back to Finland.   

96 – Prepare Your Will (2005 / 2022) -(COMPLETE
In 2022, we completed a major update to our will prior to our 29 day vacation, just in case something was to happen to us during our travels (nothing did!).   

97 – Write a Book (2018) - COMPLETE
Purchase my 100 Life Goals Book and you'll see first hand that a I have achieved this goal!  A second book was also published, entitled, Buy Your Neighbours House, a real estate investing strategy for developing wealth on your own street based on our first hand experience with real estate. 

98 – Document your Life Story (2018) - COMPLETE (ONGOING)
I’ve journaled and tracked my life in various ways. The writing of this section on my own goal accomplishment is helping achieve this goal (more to come).  We are also in the early stages of completing a 'StoryWorth' book, answering lots of questions about our life that will get published into book form to pass down to our children.  

99 – FUTURE GOAL – to be a philanthropist and give over $1M away (TBD)

100 – FUTURE GOAL – to leave a financial inheritance (TBD)

There you have it.  My own journey with my 100 Life Goals originally written more than 25 years ago and still going strong. I have written and re-written these goals many times. There is nothing to say that once you write out your 100 life goals, you can't change them. In fact, as your life evolves and changes, your life goals can too. 

To find out more information about my personal goal setting worksheet, visit here. Get started on your own unique and personalized list of 100 Life Goals. This could be the starting point of something great!

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Last update:  October 19, 2024